Hi. I am Christian Manteuffel.
Currently, I am pursuing my Ph.D. at the Software Engineering and Architecture group of the University of Groningen.
My primary interests are software architecture, engineering of software-intensive systems, architecture decisions, patterns (of all sorts), and simply good software design.
I am an experienced software designer and developer, with a strong background in Java and C#. I am the driving force behind several projects, worked as a freelance iOS developer and gained experience in Eclipse plugin development as an intern at the ITEMIS AG.
During my career, I have (co-)supervised various master, bachelor, and internship projects; gave lectures in software architecture and software patterns; and have worked as a teaching assistant in multiple bachelor and master-level courses.
I am member of the following associations: IEEE Computer Society, ACM, DAV (German Alpine Club)
Vitae (excerpt)
Since 2013, I am pursuing my Ph.D. at the University of Groningen under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Paris Avgeriou.
2013, I received my Master of Science from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands defending a thesis titled Tool-support for Architecture Decision Documentation.
2013, I completed the Honours College Master Program Leadership: make a difference! of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
2011, I received my Bachelor of ICT from the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Venlo, The Netherlands, defending a thesis titled: Requirements Traceability - Analysis, Design, and Implementation of a traceability solution for the Eclipse rich-client platform.
2010, I spend an exchange semester at the University of Bremen.
Since 2006, I am a system administrator at a property management firm.
Heesch, U. Van, Jansen, A., Pei-Breivold, H., Avgeriou, P., Manteuffel, C., 2017. Platform design space exploration using architecture decision viewpoints – A longitudinal study. J. Syst. Softw. 124, 56–81.
Manteuffel, C., Tofan, D., Avgeriou, P., Koziolek, H., Goldschmidt, T., 2016. Decision architect – A decision documentation tool for industry. J. Syst. Softw. 112, 181–198.
Manteuffel, C., Tofan, D., Koziolek, H., Goldschmidt, T., Avgeriou, P. ,Industrial Implementation of a Documentation Framework for Architectural Decisions, 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2014), Sydney, Australia on April 7-11, 2014.
Oliveira, L.B.R., Guessi, M., Feitosa, D., Manteuffel, C., Galster, M., Oquendo, F., Nakagawa, E.Y., 2013. An Investigation on Quality Models and Quality Attributes for Embedded Systems. ICSEA 2013, Venice, Italy.
Manteuffel, C., Galster, M., Avgeriou, P., 2012. Preliminary Results of a Survey on Requirements Engineering for variability-intense Software Systems. In: Proc. Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality - 18th International Working Conference (REFSQ 2012), Volume 2 - Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Empirical Track, Essen, Germany.
Awards, Distinctions & Qualifications
Best paper award: C. Manteuffel, D. Tofan, H. Koziolek, T. Goldschmidt, P. Avgeriou, Industrial Implementation of a Documentation Framework for Architectural Decisions, 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2014), Sydney, Australia on April 7-11, 2014.
CAPS Award recipient for ICSE 2013 (ACM SIG TRAVEL)
Master of Science awarded with highest distinctions, 2013, University of Groningen: Summa cum laude (GPA 9.2 /10)
Bachelor of ICT awarded with highest distinctions, 2011, Fontys University of Applied Sciences: Cum Laude (GPA 9 /10)
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform 6 (SCJP)
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